New sources

As you know, we work on making the tool better and more comprehensive every day. This time we have improved our sources section, which now enables our customers to upload data coming from numerous sources.

Current Deep Intelligence plans give you multiple possibilities to incorporate the data you need for your business:

  • Uploading a formatted CSV or JSON file (this is the only option available in the free plan).
  • Importing files from URLs (with or without authentication) through calls; you can configure the call headers.
  • From well-known open libraries.
  • From relational databases. Configure the query according to your preferences and retrieve data from the following database types:
    • MySQL
    • MariaDB
    • PostgreSQL
    • Oracle
    • Microsoft SQL Server
  • From non-relational databases. At the moment we only work with MongoDB, new databases will be soon incorporated.
  • From real-time data streaming: MQTT protocol makes it possible to implement clients, connect them to the broker, and keep the data updated in real-time.

Connect your sources

Deep Intelligence also:

  • “Empty source”: create new sources computationally with our REST API
  • “Filter an existing source”: apply filters to existing sources and refine attributes or records
  • "Join two sources": bring data from 2 different sources together

When new information is available, sources can be updated periodically according to the user needs and preferences: update existing records, only add new ones, delete old ones, etc.

Does your business collect data from any other source? Contact us and we will personally study your needs!

Keep making your business win!